Eagles Aerie 2102

Wednesday Darts League


The Darts league is the longest running sports league in the Eagles Aerie 2102 Club, which is located at 23 Rowland Cres., St. Albert, Alberta. Players are not required to be members of the Eagles Club to join our League.

The league starts with registration in September and ends in April each year, followed by the season end banquet. Watch the News Page in early September to find out when and where to sign up for the season. Or check on the Contacts page to find out who to talk to if you have questions.

The 3 player teams are set for the season after registration night and a good attempt is made to ensure the teams are as balanced as possible. Registration costs $20 for the year, and there is a $5 weekly fee as well.

Our League requires spares almost every night of League play. Anyone who wants to play as a spare should just drop in before 6:45 pm on Wednesday evenings, and if the Spares Captain can assign you to play, the cost is $5.

Each year, after the League expenses have been covered, the League makes a donation to a local charity.

Each year also the dart league represents the Aerie in the "Provincials" Dart Tournament held in either Calgary, Moosejaw, or St. Albert. Eagles Club membership is required for participation in the Provincials Tournament.

Check the News Page here frequently as it will be updated with any changes in plans or events as information becomes available.

If you require more information or directions to visit us, please go to our "Contacts" Page using the links in the menu bars. Do drop by for a drink or a meal. The atmosphere at the Aerie is freindly and relaxed and the food is superb.


Games will get underway at 7:00pm each Wednesday night. Dates are shown on the Calendar which is available at the bottom of the "Stats" Page. Early in the season the Calendar is updated fairly frequently so check back for new versions.

The scoresheets are set out at the night's active dartboards and they indicate the board number and team numbers for each of the night's games. The teams play 7 games of 501 Fly-in Double Out (FIDO).

To start the first match, the "A" player from each team diddles for the middle for the right to throw first. The player who normally follows the person who throws the finish to end a game will start the next game. A member of the team that loses the diddle keeps score for the first game and chalking alternates between the teams in subsequent games.

The stats are recorded and totalled on the score sheet and at the end of the night the team captains check the accuracy, sign the score sheet and gives the sheets to the statistician.

The statistician provides updated stats and standings compilation to the webmaster who posts the results on this website in a timely fashion, usually within a day. Printed copies are made available at the next darts night.

Each week the players also give $1 to be involved in a "Snowball" draw. It is a kind of draw that works in the background of the night's games. If you're not familiar with this type of draw / game, just ask anyone there what it is.

Constitution & Bylaws

Constitution, bylaws, meeting minutes and other documents relating to League operation will be available here.